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#1 March 30, 2010 12:11am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

TI game development with Cartograph

Hello all!  My name is Owen Brand and I was referred to Cart64 as the tool of choice for developing and maintaining my maps for the CRPG I'm working on.  I have a thread on Atariage about the game, and was curious enough to stop by and register. 

The Legend of Beryl Reichardt (atariage)

On page 2-4 (and maybe 5) there are some battle sequence screenshots you can view.  Only thing is here, I develop for the TI-99 computer, not the C64.  In addition to the 9900 CPU (vs the 6502 for you guys) the TI has a few other unique little things that make using Cart64 a bit "iffy." The screen resolution is 24x32--- not THAT big of a difference, but I think my max map size would be something like 120x160  If that is cool, then I'm still pumped up about this program.  Additionally, does this software generate hex data based on the character definitions?  I was wondering because this program you've written is absolutely superb, and if it had the capacity to generate the hex data for each whole screen (I.e.  One 24x32 block) I would simply have to jump right in.  smile My game development is chronicled in the blogs on my website and on my YouTube channel... Look up "" and search YouTube for "Opry99er".  Thanks guys... Your program looks absolutely marvellous.

Owen Brand


#2 March 30, 2010 12:36am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

here are a few battle screens, so you can get a feel.  smile




Owen Brand


#3 March 30, 2010 4:57am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Here is the earliest character set definition I have for this game.  Just some early graphics.


below is the first mockup of dungeon-crawl.... This is way outdated, but you can see where I was going with the concept


I hope to use Cartograph64.  The TI and C64 don't have much in common, but the enthusiasts of the systems share the same passion and fervor for programming and we love our game development.  smile So any help at all you can provide, I will greatly appreciate it!!!  I would love to see a Cart99 program someday!!!  smile. I bet a conversion (from the PC tool) would be pretty easy... Just change some parameters and such.  smile. I'm getting ahead of myself though.  Sorry guys, I'll wait to hear from the developers here first.  Thanks guys!!!!

Owen Brand


#4 March 30, 2010 7:19am

Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 2,418

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Hi there and welcome to the forum! smile

I'm at work right now so I can't give you a HUGE answer to your question but I can definitely offer some hints and tips about Cartograph64.

The minimum map size is 40x25 so it may not work well for your screens that are set to be 24x32.  If you are making a map of an entire dungeon for example and wanted it to be 120x160, that unfortunately wouldn't directly work either (unless we are looking at our dimensions in opposite ways).

Cartograph64 can handle up to 256 bytes left/right and 128 up/down, for a total array of 32768 bytes.  If your maps you are looking to create are 160 wide and 120 tall, no problem, they'll fit in just fine!  The final map is literally just a chunk of data in 8 bit hex so it should be able to work in virtually any platform.

Say for example in the settings you set the map size as 100x100, the first 100 bytes in the file would be row 1, the next 100 bytes would be row 2, etc all they way up until you are at row 100.

Your screens in the TI and the editing screen on the C64 will look significantly different but the actual layout of characters will be identical.

If your maps are indeed 120 wide and 160 tall, the PC version may be a better fit for you as Warlock may be able to make those adjustments to make them fit (24x32 already should).  Unfortunately I won't be able to on C64 due to memory constraints. (I have about 200 bytes free out of my 64k) smile

Thanks for dropping in!  Your game looks pretty sweet!  Good luck with it and definitely let us know how it goes!


#5 March 30, 2010 7:30am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Sorry--- it's 24 characters top to bottom and 32 from left to right.  I may have reversed the #s.  And the map itself will be large--- 160 from left to right and 120 from top to bottom... There will not be any maps smaller than that, but the screen itself (being 32 wide by 24 tall) may cause a problem, from what I gather from your response... This will help maintain and view my game map, but using this program as an interface is not feasible.... Or am I wrong, and this will work perfectly?  I'll need a 160x120 map--- each tile made up by an 8x8 grid, definable and saveable... Sorry if I haven't been totally clear... It's been a long looooong month. smile.  I'll DL this beast today and give it a shot... My other questions concerned color sets and character set constraints, but I wanted to go a piece at a time.  smile

Last edited by Opry99er (March 30, 2010 7:49am)

Owen Brand


#6 March 30, 2010 8:10am

Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 2,418

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Oh great!  If your maps are 160x120 then there should be no problem regardless of if you use the C64 or PC version of Cartograph!!

The screen size itself on the TI is not a problem at 32 wide and 24 tall.. It's the code itself and not the map data which defines how much of the screen is taken up by map. ie you can display a 10x10 portion of the map on your screen and use the rest of the screen for stats, etc and scroll an entire 160x120 map in that 10x10 window if you wish.

By the sounds of it, everything (to me) should be a-ok.  The only real difference I would think that you would see is if you drew a brick and a door using a character editor on the C64 and then loaded that file into Cartograph and starting plotting them on the screen... if you put the TI and C64 next to each other and displayed the map on both machines, the layout would be identical but the actual tile may look a bit different (due to resolution, colour restriction, etc).

ie on both screens you would see brick brick brick door brick brick door brick

but the bricks and doors may look a bit different based on the hardware displaying them.


#7 March 30, 2010 8:12am

Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 2,418

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Oh, also regarding this line:

"each tile made up by an 8x8 grid, definable and saveable"

Right now you would have to use a separate editor (such as the one included on the Cartograph64 disc) and create your tiles in that and then import them into Cartograph64 (very easy to do).

We're working on including atile editor directly into the map editor to make a nice all in 1 tool smile


#8 March 30, 2010 8:27am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Excellent!!!  I have access to a great editor for characters which kicks out hex data--- but not sure if it's importable--- it's just hex that copies to the clipboard and can be pasted into a program or emulator.  Concerning color sets and character sets--- the TI has 15 colors and a "transparent" color--- The language I'm using, XB, is limited to 14 total character sets including the letters and numbers. 
Set 1--characters 32-39
Set 2--40-47
Set 3--48-55
Set 4--56-63
Set 5--64-71
Set 6--72-79
Set 7--80-87
Set 8--88-95
Set 9--96-103
Set 10--104-111
Set 11--112-119
Set 12--120-127
Set 13--128-135
Set 14--136-143

1 Transparent
2 Black
3 Medium Green
4 Light Green
5 Dark Blue
6 Light Blue
7 Dark Red
8 Cyan
9 Medium Red
10 Light Red
11 Dark Yellow
12 Light Yellow
13 Dark Green
14 Magenta
15 Gray
16 White

each character set can be given 2 colors-- foreground and background.  Is the C64 similar to any of this?  Will these parameters limit my use of Cart64?

Owen Brand


#9 March 30, 2010 8:58am

Arkanix Labs
From: New Jersey
Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 3,317

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Hi Opry99er

Do you have a sample TI-99 charset I can use to test it importing of Cartpc and Cart64 for you?


#10 March 30, 2010 9:06am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Could you be a bit more specific on what you need?  I have A few games I've written that I've re-defined the character sets... Are you needing hex data for each character or just a listing of what exists in a character set?  For instance, character set 5 is characters 64-71...


not sure what you're needing... I can get you whatever you need.  smile

Owen Brand


#11 March 30, 2010 10:22am

Arkanix Labs
From: New Jersey
Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 3,317

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

OK sorry let me re phrase my question.   Like the c64 we have editors to change the default character set (ultrafont one i use) this make a file containing the charset I would use for my project. is there a special file that the TI uses as well? just want to be able to look at characters to see what we can do for you. As for Cart64 the sceen is limisted to 40x25 because of the c64 screen cartPC  will allow you to make the size you wish anywhere up to Width 256 Height 128.

here is a screenshot of what we use to edit c64 charset

So really looking for a file of a charset for a TI-99 doesnt have to be your but anyone.. I hope I explained it better alot of things going on here today at work so my head is spinning.



#12 March 30, 2010 10:33am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

I'll get right over to you.  Yes, we have things similar to that... Give me a few minutes and I'll have something for you.  smile

Owen Brand


#13 March 30, 2010 10:40am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

this is a font/character editor done by my friend Karsten.  You can save the pre-set fonts as hex or as a file.  The Colecovision font is one of my favorites--- if you have any trouble, let me know and I'll break it down and send you the individual pieces or hex if you need it.  I'm on my iPhone now, so it's tough to do much.  This is the best I can do til I'm on my computer.  Tool around with this program for a little while and find out what you can.  It took me a while to get it all figured out, but it's pretty intuitive once you understand what Karsten has done here.

Owen Brand


#14 March 30, 2010 10:44am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

CartPC will be my program of choice, as I do the majority of my DEV work on the PC and do not run a C64 emulator.  smile Hope to get this thing rolling.  I love the look of your program!!!!

Owen Brand


#15 March 30, 2010 12:39pm

Arkanix Labs
From: New Jersey
Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 3,317

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

OK here you go smile

You have to dony only one step from Grapefuit to be able to use these that is:

Open the charset gif in paint.
Double the size of current image(200%)
Save as .BMP
thats it your done.

I have inlcuded one tileset in editor already.

Have FUN let us know how you make out.
CartographPC TI-99 Edition v1.0


#16 March 30, 2010 1:02pm

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Superb!!!!!!! I'll hook this up as soon as I get home to my computer!!! Thank you so much for your help!  Can't wait to get started!

Owen Brand


#17 March 30, 2010 1:23pm

AL User
Registered: March 30, 2010
Posts: 3

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Wow ! This TI map editor is marvellous ! Well done - and all just like that. Bravo !


(the infamous Grapefruit author)


#18 March 30, 2010 3:00pm

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

I am blown away.... How incredible is this software!?!?  I posted this to my game thread on Atariage, and I've had a ton of feedback--- mostly excitement about the possibilities.  smile

Owen Brand


#19 March 30, 2010 5:36pm

AL User
Registered: March 30, 2010
Posts: 1

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Opry99er wrote:

I am blown away.... How incredible is this software!?!?  I posted this to my game thread on Atariage, and I've had a ton of feedback--- mostly excitement about the possibilities.  smile

Works under Wine just fine too (in linux)



#20 March 30, 2010 6:06pm

AL User
Registered: March 20, 2010
Posts: 122

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Arcadeshopper wrote:

Works under Wine just fine too (in linux)

All genius is enhanced by wine. Also, Linux.


#21 March 30, 2010 6:22pm

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Looks like Karsten and Greg have joined the thread as well.  smile. Both admirable and respected TIers.  Glad to see you guys on here!!!!

This program has been affectionately called "Cart99" by a few of us already.  Has a nice ring to it.  smile. Again, thanks--- glad you guys don't hate us 99ers for the whole Bill Cosby thing.... smile

2nd edit---
Would you guys mind if I added a big ol' link to your page and perhaps made Cart99 available for DL on my website?  You can take a gander at my site--- it should also link up to my YouTube channel as well.  smile If you'd rather I just link your page rather than offer a free DL, that's fine with me too--- smile

Last edited by Opry99er (March 30, 2010 6:31pm)

Owen Brand


#22 March 30, 2010 8:35pm

Arkanix Labs
From: New Jersey
Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 3,317

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Hiya all

Thanks for the good praise it was easy to adapt the CartPC to use the TI-99 char set I just needed to know the dimensions which pretty much is the opposite of the co64 so instead of the charset sitting on its side 32x8  I switch math around to use 8x32 thats all it was. Yes Eventually I will have a charset editor for the pc version to work with C64 charset that is one of my goals always nice to have one program to do everything in.

Well anyways I have updated the zip file to fix issue in the export feature since the editor by default uses a WORKSPACE of 255x127 always untill you export then you have the correct dimensions in one file.

One more question though on the commodore side any file from c64 to pc looks like the first 2 Hex bytes are 00 50 does the ti-99 do something similar
? this way I can writeback what it might be looking for.. 

Later all


#23 March 30, 2010 8:48pm

Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 2,418

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

For clarification for the TI guys... when you save a file using the normal c64 kernel calls, the first 2 bytes of the file are the memory location of the file.  Does TI also do this?


#24 March 31, 2010 1:05am

Arkanix Labs
From: Murkasada
Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 6,499

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Also, having read through the thread over at AtariAge ... we do intend to have a font/tile editor as part of the CartographPC package. Work has already started and in a few weeks we should have an initial release out.


#25 March 31, 2010 3:23am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

I've passed your question about the BYTEs on to the guys in the community. I just make games---these guys in our group--- some of them know more about the TI than the guys who designed it... No kidding.  smile. I would love to see the tile editor built in--- having to edit and draw in Paint, then format the layout, increase its size, then import the image to Cart99--- just a little inconvenient that's all.  smile But your software is so good, I'm not even concerned at this point. Although when I start getting deeper into map design, I may be cursing it at the same time I'm swearing by it.   smile Thanks again guys--- this is a wonderful addition to the TI tools library, truly!

Owen Brand


#26 March 31, 2010 5:30am

AL User
Registered: March 30, 2010
Posts: 3

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Fuzz wrote:

For clarification for the TI guys... when you save a file using the normal c64 kernel calls, the first 2 bytes of the file are the memory location of the file.  Does TI also do this?

There are utilities for transferring files between PC and TI-99/4A. They usually add a header called TIFILES and it’s 128 bytes. So for what I think it’s just fine to leave it as raw as possible (no header). Me thinks most TI developers do they work in emulation anyway, so raw will be fine. Thanks anyway.



#27 March 31, 2010 5:36am

Arkanix Labs
From: New Jersey
Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 3,317

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

OKies not a problem.


#28 March 31, 2010 6:37am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Strange... this program ran beautifully on the XP computer I was using... For some reason, my 7 machine isn't cooperating.  I get an error something like this:

Component "comdlg32.ocx not correctly registered.  A file is missing or invalid."

Is this a placement issue?  I'm new to PC... Always used MAC.  Sometimes the simplest of things don't compute in my head when it comes to PC stuff. smile  Any ideas/suggestions?

Owen Brand


#29 March 31, 2010 8:09am

Arkanix Labs
From: New Jersey
Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 3,317

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Hi Owen

Well since our regular release is setup with an installer to install all support files. So I went ahead and made an installer for you guys some of the manual that is included is from out PC/64 version.



#30 March 31, 2010 8:18am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Awesome... Can't wait to try it out!

Owen Brand


#31 June 20, 2010 11:20pm

AL User
Registered: March 30, 2010
Posts: 3

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

I'm slowing getting over my XP burn down. Got the same error as Owen (#28) with my new Windows 7. Nice to find the fix here. Thanks.


#32 June 21, 2010 5:52am

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Hey sometimes.. Yea, it was really just an automated installer suite that placed necessary files in necessary locations.  I suppose it isn't necessary if you know precisely where to place them.  Additionally, just as a little aside for the leaders here.  Your cartograph program inspired a buddy of mine to write one specifically tailored to the TI, and it is awesome!!!  I sent him your program and he immediately started working.  The project is called "Magellan" and can be found at  smile. Or search the web for Magellan Codex.  Thanks guys!!!  smile This program of yours was the catalyst for all kinds of dev work on the TI side!!

Owen Brand


#33 June 21, 2010 12:14pm

Arkanix Labs
From: Murkasada
Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 6,499

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

Yeah, did some catching up on AtariAge forum last night, Magellan looks very nice. Will eventually get around to giving it a spin and kick the tires a bit. wink


#34 June 21, 2010 12:48pm

AL User
Registered: March 29, 2010
Posts: 17

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

I think you'll see some very cool features.  It exports to XBasic and assembly language (which saves me days of work) and a very slick built-in character editor and foreground/background/screen color selections.  Many of my suggested ideas during the development came directly from your Cartograph program.  smile thank you guys do much!!

Owen Brand


#35 February 15, 2015 10:41pm

AL User
Registered: April 6, 2011
Posts: 2

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

The tool looks great and I'll be using them for both my Commodore 8-bit and TI-99/4A projects to extent applicable.


#36 March 13, 2015 2:59pm

Arkanix Labs
From: New Jersey
Registered: October 7, 2008
Posts: 3,317

Re: TI game development with Cartograph

This version quite old no new releases some nice software tool was released to do same thing as CartPC  TI-99 edition


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