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Post any bugs you find here!
Bugs Identified in Cartograph V1.0
1) Filename box in menu doesn't always highlight properly (fixed in v1.1)
2) Cartograph menu shows Cartograph is operating in 256x128 mode at startup but it is actually running in 128x128 mode. When you press "A" in menu to switch to 256x128 mode then it works properly. (fixed in v1.1)
Cartograph V1.1
Just discovered this bug? I'm trying to load a tileset, the filename is "townz" and it's the last file in the directory. The file loads fine in Ultrafont, perfectly working, etc.
Cartograph is reporting file not found when attempting to load from the menu.
- Follow-up: renamed file to "towna" and loads fine
Fantastic! I'll look into that and get that fixed ASAP. Thanks!
Bugs Identified in Cartograph V1.1
1) The letter 'z' bug identified by Moloch above has been fixed.
2) The 40x25 screenshot save did not save the final byte. This has been fixed.
3) Color/colour is spelled both ways in the menu. Changed to American spelling.
Cartograph V1.2 (internal)
Some of the text on the menu is switching into multicolor mode.
The prompts after displaying directory, filename entry, etc.
Multicolour text in menu has been fixed.
Discovered a bug with the fill.. if you are in the bottom window and do a fill, it may not necessarily fill with the highlighted char - it will fill with the last char selected in the bottom window when the cursor last jumped from the bottom to the top window. You are now forced to be in the top window to do a fill which will ensure the fill routine uses the last selected char (and ensures you know what part of the screen you are actually doing the fill on).
Recent finds:
1. Cartograph V1.3 is showing REU (V1.3+) when no REU attached.
2. Exporting a 130 block (144x128) map ends up with a 140+ block file. First test was 144 blocks, second test was 142 blocks.
3. After exporting, the menu and editor screens are cut-off at the bottom, looks like half a char in height is gone.
When in 2x1 2x2 1x2 hitting space to delete the tile does not reset cursor to 1x1 mode but does indeed only delete the first 1x1 tile only. this should reset to 1x1 mode when the space bar it hit?
Warlock's findings have been fixed in V1.3(+)
For Moloch's findings:
1) This seems to be only in the cruel crunched version. It does not seem to happen with Exomizer and Time Cruncher. We will use Exomizer for V1.3(+) to avoid this.
2) It turns out that there is a bug with exporting maps who's x size is not 32,64,128... 256 is handled a different way so it does not have this bug... all other x sizes are affected by this bug and will be resolved in V1.3(+)
3) This is a result of corrupt data because of the bug in #2.
Not sure if this is the right place to post CartographPC bugs, but I fortunately saved my map (working on a lighthouse one) and went to Map Preview, and it crashed:
Run-time error '480':
Can't create AutoRedraw image
When it crashed Did you try to changing the zoom % or was it just the default zoom which is 100% I can seem to eventually get the error but thats loading 255x127 and going back and forth a couple times and then zooming to 200% I get the error. I have remove 200% as an option you can type in. I think I can also look at how the page unloads to see if that might be causing an issue.
Zoom was at default. I've never tried changing that.
Just discovered a rather nasty issue with CartPC ...
When you're using RMB selecting tiles in the tileset window if you move the mouse down beyond the tileset window and let go of the RMB you'll get an error window and when you click the OK button CartPC shuts down and all work is lost.
Run-time Error '6':
I was able to reproduce the error twice, but now I'm having trouble getting it to crash.
Ok, I've discovered how to reproduce the crash every time. I've blown up an area of the screenshot above, you'll see that the blue selection window is missing on the bottom - that is the only time the crash will happen. Drag your selector window slowly, there is a one or two pixel of space that will cause the crash, and once the bottom part of the blue window disappears release the RMB.
Ok should be easy to fix. Will take a look at work.
Updated EXE can be found here.
-snip snip-
See this thread ->
Also fixed in Internal Dev version 2.5
Appears to be working fine, thanks for the quick fix!
OK fixed something else minor I found drilling it for bugs. Maybe calling it version 2.1
Also added to the current Datatype menu a way to export datatype to match map size since before this every Datatype size was 256x128(0-255x0-127)
-snip snip-
See ->
Excellent work sir! Nice and quick!
Now, code me up a Project1 style bitmap editor replacement in your lunch time! Chop chop!
Excellent work sir! Nice and quick!
Now, code me up a Project1 style bitmap editor replacement in your lunch time! Chop chop!
YES! Thanks! Release tomorrow, right?!
Think I found one!
In the tile editor I can draw pixels and then use the palette to color them any color except black. If a tile has all pixels turned off, it appears as the same color as my background as it should, but if you turn the pixels back on, they are not black like they should be!
That's fixed in dev version but still trying to get help from coder at work tile editing icons dont work current with multicolor so gave posted anything yet .
That issue is because the way the tips were recorded we're on of off. In the new version a table of 00,01,10,11 are kept that way it will know what's what
Hmm, can't remember if we ever covered this bug before for Cart64.
Loaded up the files (tileset, datamap, colormap, datatype), made some changes to the datatype, saved it. Loaded another datatype and popped back into the editor. After entering datatype mode (shift-D) the map editing window had the proper colors, but the tileset/matrix window contained the old, loaded over, datatype colors.
Found another issue?
Loaded in datamap, colormap, tileset, and then datatype. I changed my mind about the datatype, deleted the filename and pressed return. Cart64 started to load a file and crashed. I'm guessing it loaded the previous file (tileset) into the datatype area and crashed, probably the filename buffer isn't cleared between loads?
Will take a look at this today. For the second item when you said you deleted filename. Do you mean in dialog box?
Ohh is this Cart64 or CartPC?
For # 2 your guess sounds correct. Pressing the back arrow key to exit out of the load menu will prevent that from happening.
For # 1, I cannot yet duplicate it. But even if/when I could, I'm not sure where the source is to correct it
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