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Changes planned for Cartograph v1.4 - March xx, 2010
1) Support for CartographPC filetypes. (complete)
2) Bug fix: Color table was saving 4 extra bytes. This has been trimmed off. (complete)
3) Sample source code to display full screen map. (complete)
4) Save char set as part of project file if a custom one is in use. (complete)
Last edited by Fuzz (March 7, 2010 7:28pm)
I would like to request a Hot Key to jump to the blank cell for erasing tiles. It will be easier to hit one key and start erasing. then arrowing all way to top left 2nd row and then start.
Sounds like a good idea, probably a hot key that would see lots of use.
Spacebar has been set as the hotkey as you requested Ray. It automatically deletes the char and moves 1 to the right. I can set the delete key to do the same thing but move to the left if wanted, or delete but not move at all if that is helpful as well. Let me know.
Maybe using the delete key would make more sense? also not moving at all might be most helpful rather than moving the cursor left or right but I would have to test the changes to see which ones fit in better.
Here is an idea, wonder if it's possible...
Say you have three grass tiles and want a random placement of them on the map to appear realistic, tiling the same 1x1 grass tile on the entire map is boring.
How about a function that sets up to 3 or 4 tiles in a group. When a key is pressed those tiles randomly flood/fill the map.
Wow... an interesting thought. I like it! I'll have to think about that one!
Next ... how about more datatype slots? In the range of $00-$0f or even greater.
This was settled on IM. Data types will be updated to allow 15. (#0 will not be used as it will appear in Cartograph as a black character on a black background and will not be viewable)
... and the crowd roars with approval! \o/
Suggested features:
A 2x2 char which consists only of a blank char allowing the mapper to clear space in 2x2 mode instead of just 1x1. - this can be remedied by drawing a box in 1x1 mode around what needs to be cleared with the blank char, then do a 1x1 fill.. much faster than clearing space in 2x2 mode.
Quick pick - be able to select chars to plot with from the top window as well, not just the bottom table. - not enough free memory to complete this.
Quick move - in preview for taking quickly screenshots of maps, move the screen by 40x25 movements. - some weird results using "compare" are currently preventing this from happening.
Hey guys, we're working on a game and need a level editor. We have the level charset partly done. I was about to start putting something together when I saw this program. The only thing is that for us, each screen is only 28x18 chars.
What are the chances of allowing smaller than 40x25 screen sizes?
Second, for our levels, the chars make up bigger shapes. For example, we have a large stone block, which is made up of 5x4 chars. Admittedly I haven't played around with Cartograph, so sorry if this is obvious, but would I be able to "define" this as a building element and then go around the screen and just plop them down? Same for another 3 char wide column: there's a block that is 3x1, which is the body of the column, this can be short or tall, and there's a 3x2 top for it. So, is this something that's easily done?
Hi there
Those are some great questions. I can answer them for the C64 version of Cartograph but not the PC one (I'll let Warlock way in on that).
Basically, for the C64 version I have 200 bytes of memory remaining so I cannot introduce anything new in the editor portion itself. The only way to add any new features is to make the program *require* an REU, store the menu, load/save/compression stuff in the REU and transfer it all back to C64 memory when they are needed.
Thanks, good to know.
I downloaded the PC version, it's a good start. Some quick feedback:
- It sorely needs keyboard controls/editing in the main section. As it is, it's very hard to actually edit stuff.
- I think the show tiles menu option should be removed, the tiles should be always showing. They should be docked to the side/bottom of the main window.
- Will there be a load tile option for non-bitmaps? For us the tiles are the charset (PRG).
- A copy/paste function will eliminate the need for the "blocks" concept I mentioned above. Once the user struggles together a bigger contstruct (regardless of the size), they will be able to quick replicate it.
It doesn't seem to support the "screens" concept I was envisioning, but I think we can easily get around that by making a map that is 28 by (screens) * 18 in size. The data would have to be laid out like that anwyay.
So... When is the next version of the PC tool coming out?
Hiya Wadedit
It will be possible in the release v1.1 of CartographPC to export the exact map height and width you would want. You can specify that currently in the CartographPC version 1.0 but the backend (map workspace is always 255x127)
the range would then allow for 1x1 up to 255x127 of exact map size.
Hope this helps you.
Great suggestions Wadedit! I think a lot of those are/will be doable for CartographPC V1.1 or maybe V1.2.
I've wanted a bigger than 2x2 stamp option for a while, but with the memory constraints on the C64 version we've held off. Keyboard input is also an important option to add, certainly would make editing a map faster.
Thanks, good to know.
I downloaded the PC version, it's a good start. Some quick feedback:
- It sorely needs keyboard controls/editing in the main section. As it is, it's very hard to actually edit stuff.
Movement with arrow keys were to be put in v1.1 with the space bar actually painting tiles. Although since it follows the mouse cursor right now there are some issue when you use both. Say you move mouse to center of window then you start to use arrow keys when you paint a tile on your map the window is refreshed and the curson is back under the mouse and vice versa so your cursor would jump around alot. I would say the easier way is when different size stamps are included 1x1,2x1,2x2,1x2 etc. is using the mouse then using the arrow keys. You can point and click quicker then arrowing to your next location and clicking paint.
- I think the show tiles menu option should be removed, the tiles should be always showing. They should be docked to the side/bottom of the main window.
This was done because of window resolution issues so you can edit a bigger part of window. if I attached window to main program you would loose about 20+ tiles in height for work area also I think its possible to have a user setting to allow tiles to show on startup. Also remember to view map someone made you you dont need to show the tiles so it goes both ways. I will look into this to see if I can come up with a solution to suit both needs.
- Will there be a load tile option for non-bitmaps? For us the tiles are the charset (PRG).
This will most likely be a seperate application to allow you to edit and paint character sets then create bmp image for use in CartPC. Sneak Preview on forums soon!!!!
- A copy/paste function will eliminate the need for the "blocks" concept I mentioned above. Once the user struggles together a bigger contstruct (regardless of the size), they will be able to quick replicate it.
This is already planned but with my programming knowledge it might be a while before its implemented definatly not in v1.1 but maybe v1.2
It doesn't seem to support the "screens" concept I was envisioning, but I think we can easily get around that by making a map that is 28 by (screens) * 18 in size. The data would have to be laid out like that anwyay.
Currently CartPC performs exactly like Cart64 which its maps "workspace" are is always 256x128. If you compress on Cart64 your map size is what you set the Width and Height to. But because of the limitation of smallest sixze being 40x25 on the C= will not be affected on the PC side this will be implemented in v1.1 its already working just not released untill v1.1 features are completed. You would be able to make map 1x1 to 255x127(0-255 = 256, 0-127=128) if you choose to.
So... When is the next version of the PC tool coming out?
Well I am getting married within 3 weeks I try to work on some features every day I dont know for sure stay tuned for updates on the progress and changes here to find out when.
Thanks for you feedback and for using CartographPC and Cartograph
Congratulations on getting hitched :-) I wish you guys all the best!
I played with the PC version a bit more. Suggestions:
- Don't use different font sizes and colors in the dialog boxes. Keep it simple and consistent. The MS User Interface Guidelines is a good place to start for some... guidelines :-)
- Save Map should ask for confirmation if the user is overwriting a previously existing file.
- Undo would be very nice, it's really a must have feature. Without it, at least ask for confirmation on Fill Map, hours of hard work can be gone in one wrong click!
Thanks for the detailed answers! I have a few more questions:
- Will you guys open source your editor? Just throw it up on Google Code, it's easy.
- Roughly when are you planning on making another release? I understand that you're busy, but is it days/weeks/months?
OK since CartographPC was pretty first my most real complete software i was just trying to get it out once out I have done some cleanup to dialog boxes etc.. easier on eyes and cancel is on the right now
Save Map will ask to overwrite a file now. It should have been done first time but I must have forgot to put back in.
Now for the big surprise! UNDO is in and working 10 level's of undo have been added. Although a new feature will warn you when filling the entire map so no one makes the mistake.
I am sorry but we will not be releasing the code for this.
I will talk it over with the guys on monday to see what we can release a newer version than 1.0 possibly v1.1 but we need to make sure its worth it for a whoel new release. I will post here to let you know.
On CartographPC, would it be possible to highlight the currently selected tile in, say, a blue outline, similar to the red outline used to indicate where you are working on in the map? The reason I ask this is because while it's useful to see the currently selected character over to the right, it's hard to gauge the "relationship" of that character in a multi-character tile group. If I'm painting with grass characters, or two brick characters, I want to know which one I just used so I can pick the next one in the set and not constantly re-select the same one I just got done using.
So rather then showing the tile to the right of the tileset or addition to? You might be talking about randomizing fill with tiles that touch each other like what Cartograph does. That will be put into CartPC eventually this way you can random fill with grass tiles and it will look nice. But you may also be talk of stamp sizes which I want to have available in version 1.1 1x1,1x2,1x3,etc... this way when making a wall with brick you can select stamp size 1x2 and just stamp away... tipe for using it now what i do is I paint the left or right side every other tile then just come in and fill in holes. I will work on stamps tonight.
Sounds like he wants some sort of outline around the actual selected tile on the tileset view. I can understand the pain, some of our tiles are so similar (ie: dirt) that you don't know which one you have selected until you paint an example to see if you selected the same one.
This outline will also be necessary when the stamp functions are added.
Sounds like he wants some sort of outline around the actual selected tile on the tileset view.
Yes, that's it. God, why can't I explain myself properly? I blame it on lack of coffee.
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