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I've created a map with the following dimensions - 64 x 50
However when I export - the file is 32k! not the 3.2k I was expecting - can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Hi and welcome aboard!
I'm assuming you're using CartographPC? We're actually just about to release V1.1 which includes the native C64 export function missing from V1.0. Your currents maps will work and if you need to export between now and our V1.1 release (Monday?) you can either use Cartograph V1.4+ (C64) or we can arrange a conversion for you today.
Hello jwh
Thanks for using our software!! OK to explain why the file size is so large. When using CartPC the mapworkspace is always 255x127 when you resize/new map you dimension your work area kind what you want your end map to be. This is done this way because if the way Cartograph64 works and we wanted to have them sorta have same features between both that way you can use either or and just import into either tool. There will be some kind of export feature in CartPC that will save the map as the exact size you wish to have but then it will not be able to be used in Cartograph64. This feature on Cartograph64 is similar to Compressing Maps. I hope to have something released in next couple weeks to have this option in working order for all..
Well actually I wonder if I can bang out a stable version with some extra features for you since I know you are working on HYPER VIPER 64 game dont want to hold you up too much. let me see what I can come up with..
Keep an eye on here for an update SOON!!!!!!.
OK Exporting map has been added into the new test version(release v1.1). Now a 64x50 map saves as 3.24kb instead of 32kb so we should have something for you on Monday to use.
wow thanks guys, thats amazing! Where can I download it from - I'm starting the dreaded map scrolling routine right now :s
Let us know if you need help with that scrolling! There's a few tricks to make it easy both in BASIC and assembly (although I suggest assembly if you want good speed) If you haven't done so, you can view some example source on the Cartograph V1.4+ disc (the c64 version of Cartograph). It shows how to view a 256x128 map in full screen mode on the c64 (40x25). It would have to be modified to fit your situation but it should be pretty easy to do that if you are familiar with Turbo Assembler format of code.
We're doing some last minute additions and testing, the release might not happen until tomorrow.
jwh - we've got something for you today, say, in about thirty minutes I'll contact you with a download link.
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